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Lewes AC winners in the Black Cap run
Lewes AC was asked by the East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League to put on a race at Lewes. The club not only organised the race but went on to win the event as well. Starting from the edge of Lewes near the prison the 5.5 mile race challenged the 300 runners from 16 clubs to run to Black Cap and back across the Sussex Downs.
It truly was a total team effort from the Lewes club as not only did 44 members run in the race but over 30 members were involved in organising, marshalling and marking the course. The officials that organise these races are often overlooked but in this case they all deserve special praise for putting on this inaugural race that looks to become a regular fixture on the cross country calendar.
With 5 Lewes AC runners in the first ten it looked odds on that the team race would be won by Lewes. With a mixed team of twenty runners of both genders and across a wide age range the team came away with a win of nearly 500 points from their nearest rival team.
First across the line as a senior man for Lewes AC was James Turner in a time of 30.42 followed by Lewis Sida in second place with a time of 32.27. Lewis was the first man aged over 45 in the race by some considerable distance. In 6th position was Darryl Webb followed by Ben Pepler in 7th place with Chris Coffey in 10th place.
Just out of the top 10 was Will Monnington in 12th Place followed by Colin Bennett who in 14th position was the first over 50 runner to finish in a time of 35.25. This also scored massive points for the Lewes team. Making the top 30 in the race were John Stanford (15th); Alex Ham (16th); Robert Cooper (20th) Andrew McClennan (21st); Mike Green (26th) and Rick Curtis (28th)
The first Lewes AC women to finish was Helen Sida in 70th position overall which made her the 8th women finisher and the first over 50 women runner. The other women scoring for the team were Sally Norris (92nd); Emma Shepherd (95th); Katherine McCorry (109th) and Karin Divall in 119th position overall which made her the first over 55 woman in the race.
The other men finishers and their positions were Jasper Baker (34th); Adam Vaughan(38th); Dominic Osma-Allu (44th); Ed Wheeler (59th); Ian Fines (60th); David Prince-Isles (60th and 3rd over 60 to finishe); John Dryden (72nd); Alex Monson (84th); David Foster (103rd); Mark Pappenheim (235th); Toby Wolpe(168th); Marcus McConnell (176th); Bob Hughes(196th); Richard Moore (197th)and Colin Hartland (201st):
The other Lewes AC women finishers and their places were Sarah Godley (120th); Shelly Cornes (131st); Jo Miles (134th); Kitty Taylor (141st); Emma Gardner (211th); Andrea Ingram (212th); Yan Wu (223rd); Fran Witt (225th); Julie Deakin (251st) and Hazel Bennington ((260th)