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Success Through Enjoyment

Lewes AC – Lockdown News – News Extra

News Extra

These are some notes to update you on a few club coaching matters as we trudge slowly forward coping as best we can with the virus.


  • Use of the track

As it is now possible to assemble groups of up to six people we have explored whether we can use this relaxation of the Government’s corona-virus guidelines to enable some coaching to take place at the track. Consultation between the senior coaches has produced a timetable for track use that provides for sprints, endurance running and field events to be coached.

Recognising that coaching session can only take place with small groups each senior event coach has been asked to make contact with their athletes and let them know what the arrangements are.  The coaches will by invitation create their coaching groups and explain how they intend to proceed.

With a club that has a membership in excess of 450 not all members will be able to make use of the track during this period. Whilst we have sought to create a situation where the track is partially opened for use it should be recognised that not all club members will be able to use the track.

As we move slowly forward we will be keeping the situation under review and take every opportunity to open up the track to more members. To keep up to date with England Athletics guidance please look at their web site.

  • Current track coaching arrangements

Within the current corona-virus regulations and having regard to the guidance from England Athletics (at 10th June 2020) the club is seeking to make use of the track in a limited way. All being well this starts from Tuesday 9th June 2020

The senior coaches have agreed between them how this might be arranged and have collectively set down days and time slots for their use of the track. The track slots will be used by the coaches and their groups within the following guide lines. All groups should respect and ahere to the social distancing rules as set down by the Government

  1. The days and time slots allocated to and by each coach will be communicated by the coach to those athletes in his/her group
  2. It is for the individual coach to select from their coaching groups those to take part in the limited coaching opportunities
  3. Coaching groups to be 5 athletes if the coach is coaching them or 6 if the coach is coaching remotely
  4. Under 18 athletes will require the permission of their parents to participate in the coaching groups
  5. Athletes invited to be part of each coaching group to be first claim members of the club.
  6. Athletes invited to take part are expected to have competed for the club or will compete in line with the club’s competition policy.
  7. Providing clear social distancing rules are maintained more than one group will be able to use the track as agreed between the respective coaches.
  8. It is now possible use the pole vault, and high jump beds providing extensive cleaning and sanitising is carried out between individual use and users .
  9. The hammer cage cannot be used at this time as it requires further modification following work to meet the new UKA Track Mark requirements
  10. Sand pits can be used providing sanitising and cleaning is carried out to meet England Athletics requirements.
  11. Should throwing or other track related equipment (e.g. hurdles, starting blocks) be used then between each user sanitising and cleaning should be carried out
  12. The groups using the track are reminded that there are no toilet facilities nor is there car parking as the Leisure Centre is closed.
  13. It is the responsibility of the individual coaches to open up the track and to close the gates to ensure security is maintained at all times
  14. It is also the responsibility of the individual coaches to ensure the floodlights are switched on and off as appropriate
  15. These temporary coaching arrangements to be reviewed as we move forward and as circumstances change and in the light of how these arrangements work out or not
  16. Part of the review will explore greater track time should the Leisure Centre remain closed and the track becomes available beyond current club allocated days and times.
  17. Should you still be able to train on your own and away from the track please continue to do so
  • Future track coaching arrangements

The senior coaches by coming together in the way described above are also looking beyond lockdown and considering how best to improve coaching arrangements for the future.

The one change that has been identified is the need for someone to take on a support role to the coaches. The senior coaches that together will lead and develop future club coaching will need support. We are therefore seeking someone to take on this supportive role.

The key tasks in this support role that have been initially identified include

  • The provision of admin support to the coaches either through meetings or through the use of technology
  • Working with the coaches to further their own qualifications and club coaching
  • Establishing with others systems to record the progress and achievements of the Academy members
  • The provision of information to club members and others about coaching activities and coaching opportunities at Lewes AC

We anticipate paying expenses for the tasks undertaken in carrying out this role. There will also be some support and guidance to get the role underway.

If you are interested in undertaking this support role and want to find out more please contact me at
