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Welcome to Lewes Athletic Club
Success Through Enjoyment

Clubs 25th Anniversary Celebration

To Lewes AC members:

Next year, 2009, is an important milestone for Lewes Athletic Club. To celebrate the past and present achievements of our first 25 years, you are invited to join with former athletes, coaches and other volunteers who have played a significant part in the formation and earlier years of the club.

Saturday 14 February 2009
Corn Exchange (adjoining Lewes Town Hall, Fisher Street entrance)
7.00 pm until 11.30 pm
£10 per person
Buffet supper including vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes – supplied by Ben Trotman of Ben’s Butchers
Wine provided with supper. Other drinks available at the bar

If you would like to share in this celebration, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible as it will be on a first-come, first-served basis as numbers are restricted. You need to complete the form below and enclose a cheque, payable to Lewes Athletic Club for £10 per person. You can either send this direct to me at 11a Prince Edwards Road, Lewes BN7 1BJ or you can hand the envelope, clearly marked, to Sally Brown at the athlete registration desk on Tuesday training night. The Club is generously subsidising the cost of the evening as everyone attending will have contributed in some way to the success of the club.

If you have postal or e-mail addresses for anyone who has moved away from Lewes and who you know was very involved with the club, please let me know and I will contact them. If you wish to, please e-mail them directly with this information about 14 February, but please tell me who you have contacted so that I don’t duplicate your efforts.

Also, if you have any club photographs that would be of interest and could be used as part of our display, please let me know and I’ll contact you.

I hope you will be able to join us for what should be a very enjoyable evening. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Carol Shuttleworth

