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Subscription rates 2025-26 (new fees as of 1st April 2025)
Standard rates:
- Academy and young athletes (aged under 15 on 31 August 2024) – £15 per month
- Juniors (aged 15 and 16 on 31 August 2024) – £99 per year
- Adults (17 and over on 31 August 2024) – £99 per year
Discounted rates for Juniors and Adults:
- Additional family member (residing at the same address) – £72 per year
- Student (currently attending FE or HE institution) – £72 per year
- Second Claim (see details at bottom of page) – £72 per year
- Distant Second Claim (for former First Claim members of Lewes AC now with another club and living more than 30 miles away) – £24 per year
- Associate (for non-competing volunteers) – £18 per year
- Officials, coaches, and children of coaches – subscription waived
Annual subscriptions include an additional one-off joining fee of £30 for which a voucher is issued to be exchanged for a club vest at Intersport of Lewes.
All subscriptions (apart from under-11s and Second Claim) are inclusive of an annual £20 registration fee to England Athletics.
Annual subscriptions run from 1st April to 31st March of the following year.
Junior and Adult subscriptions are discounted by about 40% for those joining after 1st September in the preceding subscription year.
We may be able to offer reduced fees to families facing financial hardship. Please contact the Academy Co-ordinator or Membership Secretary (details below) in confidence if you would like to ask about this.
Academy coordinator and waiting list –
Membership Secretary – Dominic Osman-Allu, 07853 942305,