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How to join
Academy (younger athletes 8 – 14 yrs) – There is currently a waiting list for most of our Academy sections. Please register your child by clicking on the link below.

Older Juniors ( 15 and 16 yrs) – We accept junior age athletes in our specialist training groups – endurance, sprint, throws, jumps, pole vault and hurdles. Please register your child by clicking on theh link below and email to find out if there is space in the event group that they are interested in.
Adults – We recommend that you come along to one or two of our training sessions before deciding to join. Once you are ready to join you can sign up through our subscriptions site below. If you are joining Lewes AC for the very first time click the link below.

Academy Waiting List Coordinator –
Junior Athletes Coordinator (Athletes in Year 10 and above) –
Membership Secretary – Dominic Osman-Allu, 07853 942305 –
Second Claim membership
If you are already a member of another club which is affiliated to England Athletics, you can join Lewes AC as your Second Claim club. This entitles you to use the club’s facilities and coaching. You can also compete for Lewes AC as your Second Claim club, but only competitions where there would be no clash with your commitments to your First Claim club. For details see rule 3 of the 2012-2014 UKA Rules for Competition.
Changing clubs
If you are currently a First Claim member of another club affiliated to England Athletics (or you used to be), and you want to transfer to Lewes AC as your First Claim club and be registered with England Athletics as such, then you need to complete the England Athletics ‘Change of First Claim Club’ form and post it to England Athletics with a printout of an email from an official of your previous club confirming that they accept your resignation as a First Claim member, and a cheque for £10. The form and a more detailed ‘Athlete’s guide to change of club’ are both available via the England Athletics club affiliation page.
If you want to transfer to Lewes AC as your First Claim club but become a Second Claim member of your previous club the procedure is the same, but you should ask the official from your previous club to explain in their email that this is what you are doing.
If you want to transfer from Lewes AC to another club, please email us at to request an email confirming that we accept your resignation as a First Claim member. Then the procedure is the same as above.
Affiliation to England Athletics
When you becomes a member of Lewes AC or renew your membership, the club will automatically pay from your membership subs to become an affiliated member of England Athletics the Sport’s Governing Body. It is necessary to be affilated to England Athletics to compete in England Athletic’s permitted events. Affilation involves the club providing England Athletics with limited personal information to enable your affiliation. This information will be stored by England Athletics who will inform you it can be accessed via an online portal called myATHLETICS. Should you wish, you may add to or update your information on the myATHLETICS portal. It is a condition of membership of Lewes AC that affiliation to England Athletics takes place to enable members to compete in a range of competitions. If you have any questions about the data stored by England Athletics, please contact