Health & Safety Policy
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Lewes Athletic Club aims to promote the health, safety and welfare of all persons to whom we owe a duty of care, including athletes, volunteers, coaches, parents, spectators and visitors, through a commitment to developing a positive health and safety culture.
To achieve the highest possible standards, Lewes Athletic Club aims to, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- Comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and guidelines.
- Conduct risk assessments, ensuring we implement actions arising and reduce risks to the lowest practicable level.
- Provide defined procedures, which include safe working methods for all those involved in the delivery of club activity.
- Provide, maintain and inspect plant, equipment and machinery and ensure safe storage/use of substances.
- Seek to prevent accidents, incidents, near misses and cases of work-related ill health.
- Report any accidents, incidents, near misses and cases of work-related ill health arising from club activity and ensure the timely completion of investigations to prevent incident reoccurrence.
- Implement emergency and first aid procedures.
- Ensure mechanisms are in place to report hazards and identify and rectify faults.
- Ensure suitable welfare arrangements are in place and provide a safe and healthy working environment for all club activity participants.
- Provide appropriate information, instruction, and supervision to ensure all those involved in club activity take care of their safety and welfare and that of others.
Lewes Athletic Club is committed to the development of individuals involved in the delivery of club activity and aims to:
- Establish an effective process that identifies how the health and safety responsibilities are allocated and communicated across the Club.
- Communicate matters affecting health and safety, including day-to-day health and safety conditions.
- Provide appropriate information and support to ensure all those responsible for health and safety are competent.
The Club Committee is responsible for implementing and managing the health and safety arrangements within Lewes Athletic Club and accepts this responsibility.
The Committee will review this policy statement annually and make revisions accessible to members.