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Barns Green Half Marathon try out for Lewes AC Team Sida

Picked to represent England in the Chester Marathon on the 8th October the Lewes AC husband and wife team of Helen and Lewis Sida tried out their fitness in the Barns Green Half Marathon. Their results in the race showed that things are looking good for their England debut. Helen no doubt will claim family bragging rights with her first place in the women’s 50-59 age category with a time of 1.31.44. However that could be open for debate with Lewis coming 10th in the race over all and 5th in his 40-49 age category with a time of 1.18.55.

With twelve other Lewes AC runners in the race with 1,300 finishers there were also some other excellent performances and near misses for medals. Gaining a second place in the men aged 60-69 category was David Prince-Iles who missed coming first by just 17 seconds in a time of 1.35.00. Also in the medals was Jonathon Burrell who bagged a third place in the 50-59 age group with a time of 1.26.13. Just missing the medal positions by coming in 4th in the their age categories were Andrew Chitty with a time of 1.41.52 in the 60-69 group and Colin Bennett with a time of 1.26.48 in the men aged 50-59.

Rachel Phelps in the senior women’s age group came a very creditable 5th with a time of 1.34.01. Also in the same age group was Maria Barrow in 17th position with a time of 1.45.29. Jo miles competing in the women aged 40-49 came 14th in 1.43.20

Also well up in the rankings were Richard Curtis in 5th position in the men’s 50-59 category with a time of 1.28.07. Also in the same age category was Dominic Osman-Allu who came 14th in a time of 1.34.53.

Chris Coffey competing in the senior men category finished with a time of 1.29.28. Robert Cooper in the 40-49 men’s category finished with a time of 1.29.34 and John Dryden also in the same age group finished in 1.34.50.
