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Welcome to Lewes Athletic Club
Success Through Enjoyment

All-weather Track

The 400m all weather track is located behind the Lewes Leisure Centre, Mountfield Road, Lewes.

The club has full and exclusive use of the track for club sessions on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursday evenings from 5.00pm until 9.00pm.

The club also has exclusive use of the track for a club sessions on Saturday mornings from 9.00am until 2.00pm

Access to these club sessions and to individual and group coaching comes as part of the club membership subscription no additional track entry fee is needed to be paid.


Lewes is located in the heart of the Sussex Downs is on the River Ouse and is in the recently designated South Downs National Park.

It can only be expected therefore that the club takes maximum use of the town’s location to train on the Downs and along the River.

In the summer evenings and at weekends there are many training sessions taking place in the countryside.

On the first Tuesday of the month throughout the year there is a ‘Point to Pint’ run organised from a local countryside pub. Different pubs are chosen to start a run of about 45-50 minutes ended back at the pub for a pint, meal and a chat.

Club base

The club has its club room next to the 400m running track located to the rear of the Lewes Leisure Centre at the end of Mountfield Road, Lewes. BN7 2XG.

Indoor facilities

Lewes AC has a range of indoor training facilities that are available to club members.
The club makes use of the Sports Hall, Gymnasium and Projectile Hall all located in the Lewes Leisure Centre next to the all weather track in Mountfield Road, Lewes.

In the main the indoor facilities are used for circuit training during the winter months.
The Gymnasium is used also during the winter months for indoor sports hall athletics and as a training base for the under 11 young athletes group.

The sports hall is also used on an occasional basis to hold one off indoor athletic events.

During the winter months from time to time indoor space is booked for circuit work aimed at core stability and strength development.

Elsewhere on this web site the times for the use of the indoor facilities at the Leisure Centre during the winter months will be displayed.